DWIM shell command

    Excellent package to wrap repetitive shell commands into interactive commands.


    csv to datasette

    I keep having to interact with csv files and using datasette to explore the data would really be helpful sometimes.

    (defun kes-dwim-shell-command-csv-to-sqlite ()
    "Create a database file for the given csv file"
        "Create sqlite db for csv"
        "sqlite-utils insert '<<fne>>.sqlite' dwim_import '<<f>>' --csv"
        :utils "sqlite-utils"))
    (defun kes-dwim-shell-command-open-datasette ()
    "Open datasette for a sqlite db file"
        "Open datasette on sqlite db"
        "datasette '<<f>>' -o"
        :utils "datasette")

    I can reduce this down to just one command like this

    (defun kes-dwim-csv-to-datasette ()
    "Convert csv into sqlite db and run datasette"
        "CSV to SQLITE to Datasette"
        "sqlite-utils insert '<<fne>>.sqlite' dwim_import '<<f>>' --csv && datasette '<<fne>>.sqlite' -o"
        :utils "sqlite-utils"
        :focus-now t))

    Here, :focus-now t just means that the dwim-shell-command buffer is brought into focus so that we can see the output immediately.

    csv to json
    (defun kes-dwim-shell-command-csv-to-json ()
      "Read large csv file and convert it to a json file"
        "Convert csv to json file"
    import csv
    import json
    import sys
    csv.field_size_limit(sys.maxsize)   # sometimes the csv is too large
    rows = csv.DictReader(open('<<f>>'))
    newrows = []
    for row in rows:
        newrow = {}
        for key, value in row.items():
                newvalue = json.loads(value)    # sometimes the values might be json strings
    #            if not isinstance(newvalue, (dict, list)):
                    # don't care about scalar values that might be valid json
    #                newvalue = value
            except Exception:
                newvalue = value
            newrow[key] = newvalue
    as_json = json.dumps(newrows, indent=2)
    filename = '<<fne>>.json'
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
         :shell-util "python3"
         :shell-args "-c"
         :silent-success t))

    Using transient

    I got inspired by Charles Choi's post about using transient with isearch so following is what I did.

    (require 'transient)
    (transient-define-prefix kes-dired-transient ()
      "dired menu"
      [["CSV files"
        "Convert csv to json"
        :transient nil)
        "CSV to sqlite"
        :transient nil)
         "CSV to Datasette"
         :transient nil)
       ["JSON files"
         "JSON to Datasette"
         :transient nil)]
         "Fold certificate"
         :transient nil)
         "Open datasette"
         :transient nil)
    (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-c d") 'kes-dired-transient)

    I'm sure I'll be adding more commands to this.