Experiments with git-subtree

    I'm learning the Rust language these days. I like making real things once I get a little comfortable with the language. One of the first things is to make a basic text editor.

    For this, I'm following Hecto: Build your own text editor in Rust by Philipp Flenker. It's a well written tutorial and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

    Then somehow I find myself watching John Wiegley's It's Magit! talk on youtube. It's an excellent introduction to magit, by the way. I've been using it for many years now and I still discover new ways to improve my workflow.

    At this point, I'm overcome with an overwhelming sense to tinker with something. And, here we are. It even got an excuse to write a post after a long time.

    This is written in org-mode and published with org-mode. It is a github repository with it's own build/publish flow using emacs and a Makefile.

    That slightly changes from today. Now the repo is a "subtree" in my dotemacs directory. The elisp configuration also becomes a part of my emacs config.

    It'll also keep staying as a separate repository on github. This is partly because github only lets you publish one page per page. Actually, I think it's mostly that.

    Why am I doing all this?

    I admit it's mostly because I needed to tinker with something.

    However, there are some technical benefits to this. The first is to have all my elisp in one place. The plumbing required to get this site published is not a significant one but I can reuse some of the code to publish other sites and so on.

    It's also a step into my ongoing work to consolidate all my text files in one repo. This will include dotfiles, of course, but also files that I want to carry with me to the grave. When I'm done, everything will be part of that one big repository.

    How does it work?

    It's simple, really. You add the repo as a subtree. Subtree is just another way of saying a directory in the git repo. It's fundamentally different to submodules in a sense that submodule references another git repository while subtree blatently copies it into yours.

    This has a major benefit for my type of situations. I can mainly work from my main repo: making changes to the subtree as a first class citizen of your project. It's more suited for this because the changes will always flow from my main repo to the sub-repo because I only ever push there to publish, and I'm the sole person to make changes.

    Obviously, it's possible to have changes flow in both direction, but it's just not something I need.

    I wrote a couple of elsip functions to build and publish the site. This one is to build the site and copy the CNAME file if it doesn't exist already.

    Namespacing mishap

    I tried namespacing the component names with a kes/ prefix but that raised an error while trying to generate the website because ox-publish tries to create caches to avoid regenerating old files.

    It does so by creating a directory called .org-timestamps/<file-path>.

    Since my original prefix had a forward slash in it, it complained that the directory .org-timestamps/.../kes/ doesn't exist. So I just changed the prefix.


    In a magit buffer, you can use 1, 2, 3, 4 keys to show diff/patches instead of hitting the TAB key multiple times.


    Elisp code to build and publish keshp.com

    Update: 2022-08-27

    Previously this was an org include link to the function in my init file but any small change on that file made this regenerate while building the site. So, now it's just copied here. See the dotemacs directory for an up to date version.


    (defun kes/expand-keshp.com (path)
      "Expand to absolute path inside ./keshp.com/ subtree"
      (expand-file-name (concat "~/dotfiles/keshp.com/" path)))
    (defconst gh-poudel "git@github.com:poudel/")
    (defconst keshp-com-subtree "keshp.com")
    (defconst gh-keshp-com (concat gh-poudel keshp-com-subtree ".git"))

    Configure org-publish

    First we configure org-publish-project by setting org-publish-project-alist.

    (setq org-html-validation-link nil)
    (setq org-publish-project-alist
        :base-directory ,(kes/expand-keshp.com "src")
        :base-extension "org"
        :publishing-directory ,(kes/expand-keshp.com "docs")
        :recursive nil
        :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html)
       ;; base directory src to preserve the relative path
        :base-directory ,(kes/expand-keshp.com "src")
        :base-extension "css\\|js\\|png\\|svg\\|txt"
        :publishing-directory ,(kes/expand-keshp.com "docs")
        :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
        :recursive t)
        :base-directory ,(kes/expand-keshp.com "src/blog")
        :base-extension "org"
        :publishing-directory ,(kes/expand-keshp.com "docs/blog")
        :recursive t
        :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
        :section-numbers nil
        :with-creator t
        :with-date t
        :with-toc nil
        :html-head nil
        :html-head-include-default-style nil
        :html-head-extra "<link rel='stylesheet' href='../static/index.css' />"
        :html-doctype "html5"
        :auto-sitemap t
        :sitemap-title "blog"
        :sitemap-filename "index.org"
        :sitemap-style list
        :sitemap-sort-files anti-chronologically
        :components ("keshp.com-blog" "keshp.com-home" "keshp.com-static")
        :html-validation-link nil

    Build the site

    (defun kes/build-keshp-com ()
      "Build keshp.com using org-publish into the /docs directory"
       (org-publish-project "keshp.com-website")
       (copy-file (kes/expand-keshp.com "CNAME") (kes/expand-keshp.com "docs/CNAME") t t))
    ;;  (kes/build-keshp-com)

    Push the subtree

    The following function pushes any new commits for files with the prefix keshp.com (i.e. inside keshp.com/ directory) to it's own github repo.

    (defun kes/push-keshp-com ()
      "Push keshp.com subtree changes to remote"
      (magit-subtree-push keshp-com-subtree gh-keshp-com "master" nil))
    1. Git subtree basics gist
    2. https://github.com/poudel/dotemacs/
    3. https://github.com/poudel/keshp.com
    4. https://magit.vc/manual/magit/Subtree.html