Automating creating new entries
Up until now, new entries would be created manually. The process goes like this:
- I visit a new file in the appropriate directory. The name of the file nowadays contain the date of creation and the slug. Do that by hand.
- Open an old file to copy the frontmatter.
- Paste the frontmatter on to the new file and modify the title and date. This is probably slower than writing it from scratch every time in hindsight.
- Start writing the post.
As you can see, this is an annoying bit of friction. So on Feb 2nd 2025, I finally wrote a yasnippet for the frontmatter.
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: fm
# key: fm
# --
title = "$1"
date = `(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d")`
tags = [$2]
draft = ${3:false}
This is great but I was in the mood for more. I still needed to manually type the slug and the date when creating the new file.
So, with some ChatGPT help and misdirection, I ended up with the following snippet.
"Directory root of the wiki."
"Set when creating a new wiki entry so that yasnippet can expand with it.")
(defun kp-wiki-new-entry ()
"Create a new entry in the wiki"
(let* ((base-dir (file-name-concat kp-wiki-proj-directory "content/"))
(subdirs (seq-filter #'file-directory-p (directory-files base-dir t "^[^.]+")))
(subdir (concat (completing-read "Choose subdirectory: " subdirs nil t) "/"))
(kp-wiki-new-entry-title (read-string "Title: "))
(slug (replace-regexp-in-string "[^a-z0-9]+" "-" (downcase kp-wiki-new-entry-title)))
(filename (concat subdir (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") "-" slug ".md")))
(find-file filename)
(yas-expand-snippet (yas-lookup-snippet "fm"))
This function prompts me for a directory and the title of the new entry. It then visits the new file as a markdown buffer. The file name contains the iso date and the slugified title.
The buffer also opens with a yasnippet expansion of fm
snippet which
contains the front matter. I could've just pasted the frontmatter in
Elisp, but yasnippet is more powerful because it lets me use
placeholders with defaults.
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: fm
# key: fm
# --
title = "${1:`(format "%s" kp-wiki-new-entry-title)`}"
date = `(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d")`
tags = [$2]
draft = ${3:false}
This is what the snippet looks like now. At first, I tried to pass the
to yas-expand-snippet
to replace $1
but it didn't work.
So I went with the kp-wiki-new-entry-title
variable and evaluate it
in the snippet like this.
This is so convenient, and I should've done this sooner.