org slack messages
Srijan Choudhary has a very interesting blog post describing his workflow to invoke org capture from within slack.
Like Srijan, I've also been frustrated with the friction of capturing input from other programs. This is an excellent way to reduce one of those.
His new capture workflow is made possible by running Slack in the browser[^fn:1] and a userscript to inject a button on the hover menu of a slack message. The button is hooked up to Emacs via the org protocol.
The org protocol is a sort of rpc that ships with org-mode. I found it difficult to get it working the last time I tried it. Srijan, however, didn't seem to have any problem.
Srijan is also using prot-window-popup-frame
to open an
frame to complete the capture. The frame is closed once
the capture is done.
[^fn:1] I also prefer running slack in the browser