Replacing rich-minority with minions
Up until last week I'd been using rich-minority to curb the mode line clutter that many emacs users experience. I must've installed it a couple of years ago and I found it very useful. It did what I wanted it to do and stayed out of my way. So there was no need to touch it.
This is what the configuration looked like:
(use-package rich-minority
(rich-minority-mode 1)
"^ \\(%s\\)$"
(mapconcat #'identity
"Projectile.*" "PgLn" "EditorConfig"
"Helm" "GitGutter" "Pipenv" "Elpy"
"Undo-Tree" "SP" "Abbrev")
I discovered minions
1 while
browsing through tarsius' github. It was no accident, I was hoping to
find interesting things there.
(use-package minions
:config (minions-mode 1))
That's it! Now only the name of the major mode is displayed. All minor
modes are tucked away in a menu that looks like ;-)
2. You can click on it or use the command
to access the menu. And this was also when
I learned the meaning of this mysterious ;-)
emoticon3 in several youtubers' mode lines. 2: I know the parenthesis was already there 3: I'm not that old